hire google cloud engineer

Hire Google Cloud Engineer | Google Cloud IoT Services

Benefits and Features of GCP IoT Solutions

The rapid growth of IoT and the adoption of cloud services into projects has created a demand for IT professionals such as Google Cloud engineers, and other IoT cloud experts.

The IoT services Google Cloud platform offers provide a wide variety of solutions across many fields. Whatever the issue you are trying to solve or improve on Google’s IoT Cloud Platform can provide a solution. It can help increase efficiency, reduce expenses and go after new markets. Google IoT Cloud Platform has provided solutions in retail, consumer packaged goods, manufacturing, automotive, supply chain and logistics, energy, healthcare and life sciences, media and entertainment, gaming and telecommunications as well as in other fields. Some of the features the platform offers include:

gcp iot services
  • Security: end-to-end security using asymmetric key authentication
  • Protocol bridge: native support for industry-standard protocols like MQTT and HTTP. Connection endpoints provided for protocols with automatic load balancing.
  • Device manager: manage devices through a console or programmatically. The device manager identifies and authenticates devices when connecting and maintains a configuration for each device.
  • Real-time metrics: use Stackdriver monitoring to display data in real-time and set up alerts based on metric thresholds such as data limits
  • Fully scalable: the service is serverless and can be scaled instantly with no limits
  • Single system: manage all devices as a single global system

Here are a few of the benefits of using Google IoT solutions:

  • Redundant backups: not only does Google back up your data, but it also does it in at least 2 locations.
  • Scalability: companies can scale up or scale down with ease
  • Integrated services: make simultaneous use of developer tools, security, storage, data analytics and other services easily
  • Reduces development time: streamlines the development process by providing out of the box solutions
  • Secure: State of the art security including 256 bit AES encryption and regular audits for security compliance

Google IoT Services

The Google IoT platform consists of a variety of services that can be adapted to fit your needs. Here are some of the main services that make up Google’s IoT platform.

gcp iot solutions
  • Google IoT Core: Google Core is the platform’s central service that enables communication between devices and the cloud. It is made up of two main components. The device manager is for deploying, configuring, controlling and updating devices. The protocol bridges enable access for devices to the platform via MQTT and HTTP protocols. These are industry standard protocols meaning your device’s firmware will only need minimal changes. Depending on your needs Google core can handle just a few devices or can be scaled up to connect millions if necessary. Core scales automatically in response to changes
  • Google Cloud Pub/Sub: Cloud Pub/Sub works in conjunction with Google IoT Core as a device messaging service. It collects event data from devices globally and routes it for processing and analytics. It allows temporary 7-day data storage and provides end-to-end data encryption. It is commonly used by Google cloud developers to distribute event notifications, stream data from devices or processes and implement asynchronous workflows.
  • Google BigQuery: BigQuery is a service that allows the storing and querying of huge amounts of data using the processing power of Google’s infrastructure and SQL queries. You can interact with BigQuery using the Cloud Console, by making calls to the BigQuery Rest API or with a selection of third-party tools. BigQuery also has built-in machine learning capabilities.
  • Google Cloud IoT hardware: Google provides a selection of IoT developer prototyping kits and edge devices in order to make connecting to their IoT cloud platform easier and to make integrating your project less complicated. Examples of IoT developer prototyping kits are a microchip security development kit and a cellular kit that can connect using cellular, Wi-Fi, or Ethernet.
  • Google Cloud functions: Cloud functions are an event-driven computing service where users can create independent single-purpose functions that are attached to an event. When an event being monitored occurs the function is triggered. Functions scale automatically and are fault-tolerant. They are especially useful for creating intelligent apps, real-time data processing and building serverless backends. Google Cloud Functions can be written in Python, node.js and Go which eliminates the need for learning a new language.
  • Compute Engine by Google: Google Compute Engine is a versatile and secure computing solution that empowers you to design and operate robust virtual machines on Google’s advanced infrastructure.

These are the main services available on the Google IoT platform but there are many others. You may pick and choose those services that best fulfill your needs and requirements.

Demand for Google Cloud Engineers

More companies are shifting their operations to the cloud and the number of connected devices is increasing at a rapid pace. Google Cloud Service Provider is the third largest cloud service provider in the world and offers a variety of services such as application development, data storage, data analytics, computing and machine learning. As the demand for these services goes up, companies have a need of Google Cloud engineers to integrate these services with their projects.

You will need to determine the specific need of your company when selecting a Google Cloud expert. A company may need a Google IoT consultant to advise them on the best way to implement services. A GCP data engineer who specializes in the collection and analysis of data from device might be what is needed. Adding a GCP professional cloud engineer to your IoT team will have some definite benefits. They are already experienced in working with the Google platform and familiar with the services and capabilities of each. A good GCP associate cloud engineer can lead your team in a variety of tasks such as setting up a cloud solution environment, deploying and implementing networking resources and managing identity and access management. If you intend to use the Google IoT Cloud platform having a GCP customer engineer is essential.

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Google Cloud IoT Engineer Skills and Requirements

A Google Cloud Engineer will need certain skills and abilities to perform their tasks well. Here are some of the main skills and requirements that will be called for:

  • Google Associate or Professional certification: Google offers numerous certifications such as Cloud Architect, Cloud Developer, Data Engineer, Cloud Security Engineer, Cloud Network Engineer and Cloud DevOps Engineer
  • Data security: ability to apply security measures and controls to IoT devices data with a focus on end-to-end security
  • Coding skills: possess coding skills in one or more applicable programming languages, such as Python, Java, Go, C++, Ruby 
  • IoT wireless: experience working with Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWANs), Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and cellular (3G/4G/5G)
  • Experience with NoSQL and SQL databases
  • Data analytics/IoT analytics: experienced with the tools and methods used to process unstructured data
  • Edge computing: data processing where computation and storage is nearer to the devices where the data is being collected
  • IoT sensors: work with and build devices that are able to sense, act and communicate with the IoT network including hardware for detecting temperature, light, sound and pressure.

These are some of the essential Google Cloud IoT skills and requirements. Depending on the area of specialization and the type of engineer there are additional skills that may be focused on.

Consider Ukraine When Looking for a Google Cloud Services Provider

When your company needs to hire a Google Cloud programmer or a Google Cloud Certified professional Data engineer there is no better place to look than Ukraine. The country has a huge pool of experienced and skilled IT professionals to call on. According to available data there are over 200,000 IT professionals in the country and over 36,000 technical graduates joining the workforce every year. Ukraine also has over 110 multinational R & D centers located in the country for tech companies like Microsoft, Apple, IBM and Google. One of the major factors to consider when looking for a Google Cloud Platform Software engineer is the salary. You can hire a Google Cloud Platform developer for significantly less than in many other countries

So how much is it cost to hire Google Cloud developer? The following from Payscale is the amount of a Google Cloud engineer salary in different countries.

  • United States: $145,855
  • Canada: $97,000
  • United Kingdom: $82,000
  • Germany: $91000
  • Denmark: $71,500
  • Switzerland: $120,500
  • Italy: $69,300
  • Poland: $37,500
  • Ukraine: $33,200 (based on our research over a few local job boards)

These are salary averages and can vary depending on exact location and experience level. Generally, this average is right around that for an Azure Cloud engineer. Of course, salary isn’t the only reason for hiring a Google Cloud Network engineer in Ukraine. Some of the other reasons for working with Ukrainian developers include:

  • Highly skilled: Ukrainian developers are considered among the best in the world so you are sure to find one with the Google IoT programming skills you require.
  • English speaking: around 85% of Ukrainian developers speak English at an intermediate level or higher
  • Cultural fit: the work and business ethics in Ukraine are similar to those in Western companies
  • Location/time zone: Ukraine is only 1 hour ahead of most Western European countries. There is a 7 hour time difference between the U.S and Ukraine which is still a better fit than many counties with low-cost IT developers.

Hire a Certified GCP Engineer with the Help of Our Service

Our Ukrainian based outsourcing and outstaffing service has been providing IT professionals to companies around the world. We are fully capable of providing all of your Google Cloud staffing needs. Whether you need a single full stack developer on GCP or you require an entire Google Cloud team you can count on us to fulfill your requirements.

The following is the proven model we follow to acquire the developers with the skills your project requires:

  • You:
    • Provide us with the ideal profile of the Google Cloud customer engineer or other IoT developer you are looking for
    • Inform us of the specific technical task to be performed
    • Approve the chosen candidate
  • Our Recruitment Team:
    • Sends you GCP developer resume to approve
    • Screens the best candidates with in-person interviews
    • Arranges video interviews with the client
    • Makes an offer
  • Our Resource Management Team:
    • Onboards new employees
    • Brands the space to match your corporate identity
    • Maintains contact with you and the developer to ensure all is proceeding smoothly

Increasingly more businesses are moving towards cloud services for their IT project needs. It is reported that in 2022, almost 90% of enterprises were using some form of cloud system to run their operations more efficiently. 

Google Cloud IoT services are widely considered one of the top cloud computing solutions and can contribute in a big way to the success of businesses. Whether you use it as SaaS (known as software as a service), IaaS (known as infrastructure as a service) or PaaS (known as platform as a service), you can reap the benefits of this technology and tailor it to suit your specific needs. 

Let’s look at just some of the benefits of Google Cloud IoT services:

  • It runs on a serverless infrastructure 
  • Responds to real-time changes
  • Features stringent security protocols
  • Works with all hardware from leading manufacturers

Cloud computing has many advantages, one main benefit being that remote work becomes possible. This eliminates the need for office space, hardware and massive intranet systems. Having the option of working remotely, means you can scout talent, such as hardware developers and cloud engineers, in different parts of the world. This opens up many new possibilities for you and your business. 

Employees do not have to be in the office anymore, and your team can essentially be located and work from anywhere in the world. Not requiring office space and hardware is beneficial to your bottom line. Additionally, you can find employees with lower rates compared to hiring locally. 

When looking for a Google Cloud IoT services engineer to join your team remotely, the best place to start is choosing the destination. Keep in mind that the destination will have a big impact on factors such as time zones, cost, and language barriers, so it is important to make the right choice. Let’s compare some of the best destinations in the world for hiring remote Google Cloud IoT services engineers:

  • United States

With massive tech companies such as Facebook and Google headquartered in the States, it is obvious that you can find some of the best engineers in the world here. The challenge in the US is, however, that these high-quality engineers come with a hefty price tag. The average salary in the US for a Google Cloud IoT services engineer is $119,898 a year according to our research. You get what you pay for, but the salary does not always match the quality of work per se. 

  • Poland

Poland is being used by more and more businesses to find talent of high quality. Polish developers bring high-quality communication and development skills to businesses. Professionals may also be skilled in additional fields like finance or regulation. But keep in mind that sourcing talent from Poland can be expensive. 

  • Singapore

Asia has long been at the forefront of technological developments and has some of the best engineers in the world. In fact, Singapore ranks the highest on the Top MIT’s Cloud Development and Innovation Rankings, so there is no lack of cloud computing readiness in Asia. The downside of recruiting in Asia is, of course, the time difference when you are in the US or Europe. There may also be problems with language barriers. 

  • India

There are numerous ways for businesses to cut costs in India’s outsourcing sector. This is primarily due to the abundance of skilled labor, low average salary, and relatively low cost of living in the nation. However, it can be tricky to confirm the skills and experience of, specifically, software and hardware developers. And with such a large pool of talent, vetting candidates can take a long time. 

  • Ukraine

Europe has seen a boom in the hiring of all sorts of IT staff and there is a good reason for it. European countries have been leading in converting to cloud computing and remote working. Countries like Ukraine have a large pool of talent available and are mostly available at a fraction of the labor cost of other countries. Ukraine also has a very strong STEM education system which is promoting the development of the IT industry as a whole. Furthermore, Ukraine’s cost of living is also regarded as one of the cheapest in Europe and, therefore, their salaries are lower than most, which benefits businesses outsourcing their engineering needs. 

When is the Right Time to Hire Cloud Hardware Developers?

Whether you have just started your business or plan to grow your business in the future, we have learned in the last couple of years that remote working is growing and becoming the norm. To enable your staff to work from home or anywhere in the world the best option is to migrate to a cloud system by choosing to hire Azure ML services developer candidates. As we have mentioned earlier, cloud computing is the answer to remote working and ensures everyone always has access to the data or work they need to do. It is also a much more secure system compared to having data on in-house computer systems. 

When you hire IoT engineer experts, they will assess your business needs and find the correct cloud solution for your specific requirements. In short, there can be many stages in your business journey where you would need the expertise of a cloud engineer and hiring an expert in the field will always be the safest and best option when migrating or starting your cloud computing experience. 

A cloud engineer is a broad term and can be broken down into many different roles such as cloud architects, cloud system engineers, cloud software developers and cloud network engineers. Depending on the size of your infrastructure, you will hire more people and fill different roles rather than one person taking on multiple roles. When you hire IoT developers, these employees will be working together as a team to migrate you to a cloud system. Furthermore, when you hire IoT engineer candidates, they will also be responsible for monitoring and ensuring the security of your data and projects, which is an important part of cloud computing. 

Another part of the role when you hire azure engineer candidates will be to maintain the system and see to it that there are minimal disruptions. Disruptions can cause trouble for business continuity and can make the difference between your business making it or not, so it is important to get a qualified and proven engineer/s on your team. 

Cloud systems have a proven track record of easing the operations of a business and connecting employees with business data, no matter where they are in the world. The speed and efficiency of a cloud system can not be compared with the conventional manner of business operations. Cloud systems offer secure and fast access to data your employees need to perform their tasks. As a result, all types of businesses, big and small, may need to hire IoT developer experts and migrate to a cloud system in the near future to stay ahead in a competitive business world. 

The Roles and Responsibilities to Look for When You Hire AWS IoT Developers

When deciding to hire AWS engineers for cloud solutions, it is important to understand their unique roles and responsibilities to ensure they can complete specific tasks. Let’s take a more detailed look at the different roles and responsibilities to look for when you hire IoT engineers:

  • Finding solutions 

Based on the requirements of the organization or clients, cloud developers create, plan, and evaluate cloud-specific solutions. When you hire AWS IoT developers, they ought to choose the most suitable cloud service providers for your requirements. An IoT technology consulting expert can also assist with this. 

  • Implementing cloud systems 

Implementing and maintaining the company’s cloud infrastructures is one of the most important responsibilities to look for when you hire Azure developers. They should be able to assist in the database’s upkeep and conduct meticulous analysis of the cloud systems.

  • Programming 

Understanding at least one programming language and subsequent knowledge of cloud systems are required for the job role when you hire Azure cloud engineer candidates. The skills needed to properly debug and deploy cloud applications should be well-known to the cloud system engineer.

  • Administration 

When you hire azure developers, they ought to have a thorough understanding of cloud server systems administration and operation. They should also be able to monitor the auditing systems and virtual technology.

As mentioned earlier, when you hire Google storage developers, the different roles described can be performed by one person or a team of developers depending on your business’s cloud needs. The most important part is to establish policies and frameworks at the start of the process when you hire Azure developer candidates to ensure that every member of your team can be guided correctly. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

If you are ready to hire Azure developers and you have a question about cloud development or cloud systems, our team helps you to find the right answers here. 

  1. What is Google Cloud IoT?

Google Cloud IoT is an online platform which assists businesses and organizations store their data at a central point. When you hire IoT engineer candidates, they enable a platform with access to all authorized employees from anywhere in the world to the business data that is required to run the operations and administration of the business. It is an effective manner of running a business without any physical locations or employees that work remotely. 

  1. Does Google Cloud IoT offer any support services?

Yes, there is a range of options to make contact with the supplier when you have queries or issues with the service. Below is a list of the options:

  • Email
  • Help Desk
  • FAQs
  • Forum
  • Knowledge Base
  • Phone Support
  • 24/7 (Live rep)
  • Chat
  1. Why should I choose Google Cloud IoT?

Google Cloud IoT is unmatched in terms of speed, security and scale. It even features built-in AI. Google is a well-known long-standing brand and has become a trusted partner with both small businesses and global corporations. When you hire IoT developer experts, they will help you turn data into decisions quickly and effectively. Your data will be readily available across the organization and your business will run on real-time data. It is estimated that using a cloud service in your business can reduce operating costs by up to 51% in some industries, making a huge difference to your bottom line. 

  1. How secure is Google Cloud IoT?

One worry everyone has about cloud computing when they hire IoT cloud developer candidates, is the security and confidentiality of their data. Google has several security features and operates on a private, software-defined network which is fast and reliable. Multi-layered security will keep your data and confidential information safe and secure. Google’s WAAP and Chronicle will automatically detect and investigate threats to your company’s data. 

  1. How reliable is Google Cloud IoT?

Google has massive data centers that are built for maximum reliability and is among the world’s most secure. The network architecture ensures reliable uptime and application availability without any disruptions that can cause your business harm. When you hire IoT designers, your business’ workloads will not be distributed across multiple regions, no matter where you or your data users are. 

  1. What differentiates Google Cloud IoT from competitors?

Google has always been at the forefront of new developments and Google Cloud IoT is no different. They have incorporated AI and machine learning solutions into the cloud offerings which enable users to utilize this technology to solve real-world problems. When you hire IoT engineer experts, they come with features such as Document AI, that allow you to improve your operational efficiency to a level never seen before.

  1. Do I need special devices to connect or operate on the Cloud? 

No, any device that connects to the internet and has been granted access will be able to connect to the cloud. Security is number one with Google Cloud IoT, so it is important to ensure all your employees have access to the data they need to have. When you hire IoT developers, they can make sure that your data is easily shared and communicated within a secure framework, however.

Contact us to learn more about how to get Google IoT services in Ukraine!

Disclaimer: “Google Cloud Platform” and “GCP” are registered trademarks of Google.com, Inc. HireIoTDevelopers.com is not related to, affiliated with, sponsored or endorsed by Google.com Corporation.